Yes, there is an exterior door in our Master bedroom. It's all part of the Duplex package; an upstairs rental is required to have a second form of egress thus there's a small staircase to the side of the house leading up to this door. You know, if we don't remove the stair case we could even turn it into an ittibitty balcony if we want to. For now, we're going to pretend it's simply not there. I have plans to fake a window in its place by either stretching curtains over the entire wall or mirroring the window to the right.
Another plan of ours includes adding batten and board (well, the slim version without the board). That's why I painted the lower half of the walls in Behr's Ultra Pure White in semi-gloss.
Having lived in beige (or swine colored) rentals for the past couple of years, both the husband and I wanted -color-! I brought home a couple of paint chips and we zoomed in on Valspar's "Shaded Lake".

I couldn't wait to see that color on the walls! When I finally met my trim and closet painting quota I broke out the fresh paint rollers and started on the first coat. Nope, I couldn't even wait long enough to consider using a tinted primer. I simply rolled it on and fell in love all over again. It's a incredibly deep rich blue with a hint of green, without being an actual turquoise.
Now the room has definition! The trim work stands out beautifully against the rich blue and the color invites the eye to travel around and up adding height and space to the entire room. It's amazing how such a simple paint treatment can do so much for a room.

Next I'll need to take a couple of measurements and head over to the blue or orange box to get some MDF board for the batten treatment. Stay tuned! Since we're expecting our kitchen this week we're going to stop everything else to screw our kitchen cabinets together. Wish us luck!
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