Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Staircase Challenge: Getting closer

Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I only post once a week about that staircase at the Little Old House?

Another week has zipped by and here we are again, time to update all y'all on the progress on project "staircase" at the Little Old House.

 The weather was PERFECT for stripping paint with the heatgun. Within a week we went from a balmy high 70s to freezing high 30s. Yep, you heard that right, a 40 degrees temperature drop within a week! Brrrrrr!
The heat gun, however, kept me nice and toasty for a couple of hours.

 And yes, there is progress! I managed to strip more spindles, and the finishing line is in sight. Only 11 more spindles to go! Hallelujah! Two thirds done (with the stripping)!

After that it's sanding, priming and finally, finally, paint! I know without this challenge that Kit from "DIY Diva" and Sarah from "The Ugly Duckling House" cooked up in - can you believe it?! - January I'd have happily procrastinated on getting started on my staircase and would have never been so close to checking off this particular project from the big list.
Or have burns on my hands.
And scrapes from trying to fit my hand and the scraper into the area where two parts of the railing overlap.

Don't forget to visit the other duelists and their mighty fine looking stair cases!


  1. Replies
    1. Hallelujah! *LOL* I love your scrumpti-licious looking treads! And your puppies, especially their indulgent expressions :)
