You see, my kitchen design revolves around that clean vintage image of white shaker-style cabinets and a big honking sink. It tickles me pink that that is also the style that would have been en vogue for the Ugly Duckling back when it was brand new and shiny
Big sinks, especially those fancy apron sinks, don't come cheap but IKEA comes to the rescue in this case: their Domsjo sink comes in 3 different sizes ranging from cute small prep sink over the great single-bowl to the humongous double-bowl.

[Meet my sink: Domsjo single-bowl sink]
So I drove down to Orlando, picked up my sink [danced a quick happy jig that it was in stock] and used the opportunity to chat with one of their lovely IKEA kitchen designers about the revised layout for our kitchen and the order process. Our contractor had made a couple of good suggestions and we've decided to 'flip' the kitchen around. Now the sink will be underneath the window and we will have room for a built-in breakfast nook on the other side. Kind of like this one here
[1920s kitchen, source:]

Now all we need is electricity at the Ugly Duckling. Oh, and a working toilet would be great :o)
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