Oh, it's nice and it's very rewarding to see it freshly painted but unfortunately it gets old really fast. It also needs at least 3 coats - 1 coat of primer and 2 coats of beautiful crisp white semi-glossy paint - and the reminder why you should not - NEVER - EVER - skip one of these steps is also everywhere.
You see, originally all of our trimwork was dark brown wood. It's not in bad shape but I'm really not a dark wood trim kind of gal. I love the bright fresh contrast between a nice wall color and white trim (well, okay, I could see dark wood trim in the library; books can carry the weight and pull off the masculine looks with dark wood trim).

[Just keep pulling ...]
This is what happens if you apply latex paint over shellac-ed wood trim.
You can peel it off like a bad sunburn!
It's also equally compulsive - you can't stop once you start peeling and the more you pick, the more it peels.
Now, it wouldn't be so bad if they'd done a great job shellacing the trim. Everything would peel off nice and easy and evenly, and you could go to town with a nice grippy modern primer and paint and call it a day.
Unfortunately, the shellac was applied in a rather patchy manner. The only other paint that was ever worth the money you paid for it is vintage lead paint. That stuff sticks like nobody's business, and so you end up with trim and doors looking like they're covered in some kind of crazy cow print.

So if you ever needed some encouragement to do the right amount of prepwork before painting, come visit us at the Ugly Duckling for a weekend of trim painting fun. Just so you see what happens if you don't do it right the first time ..(or second ..or third or ...well, I don't know how many coats of paint we're dealing with.)
- Must prep properly
- must clean
- must prime
- cannot glue paint with paint
- cannot skip steps in the process
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