At this point I'm sated, saturated and satisfied where my desire to go shopping is concerned. Now, don't get me wrong. There are still lots of pretty pretty things I want for our house but I don't want to go 'shopping'. I want them to magically appear. Yep, just like that.
This past weekend we nailed down our flooring choice for the laundry room and also managed to amend our tile selection for the master bathroom (more on that later). That leaves us still undecided on the matter of the flooring for the dressing room for our Master Bedroom. And frankly, I'm beyond looking at flooring options right now.
So ... in a stroke of genius (or maybe it was the fumes from the Waterlox) we decided to just paint the plywood subflooring. Add a stencil. Seal. Done. Finito.
Like here
hall way floor at wobblyblog
boys' room floor at My 3 Monsters
kitchen floor at Back to Domestics
It's too big of a decision and we don't want to make it -now-. It will affect the entire upstairs and that's something that shouldn't be done lightly and spur-of-the-moment. Right?
So I've been poking around on the 'net for a nice floor stencil. Something that goes beyond taping down a border with frog tape, maybe. In case I feel like shopping for a stencil. Here're my favorites from Stencilease
I kind of like the first one; it reminds me of vintage tin tiles. I also plan on checking out places like Hobby Lobby and Michaels for their stencil selection once I'm over in that corner of town. That reminds me I need to swing by World Market for window treatments.
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